Added Tree Generation and Buildings

Added Tree Generation and Buildings


The following changes have been made:

  • Added methods to compute the hash, dot product, normalize, magnitude of points.
  • Added distanceToPoint, projectPoint, length, directionVector methods to line segments.
  • Added methods to compute the distance and intersection of polygons and segments.
  • Added more sophisticated functions to generate buildings, trees, and road borders in the World class.

File wise changes made


  • Added a check to see if the graph hash has changed since the last time it was rendered.
  • If the graph hash has changed, regenerate the world and update the graph hash.


  • Added a hash() method to the Graph class that returns the JSON string representation of the graph.


  • Added dot() function to calculate the dot product of two points.
  • Added normalize() function to normalize a point.
  • Added magnitude() function to calculate the magnitude of a point.
  • Added translate() function to translate a point by a given angle and offset.


  • Added distanceToPoint() method to calculate the minimum distance from a polygon to a point.
  • Added distanceToPoly() method to calculate the minimum distance from a polygon to another polygon.
  • Added intersectsPoly() method to check if a polygon intersects with another polygon.
  • Added containsSegment() method to check if a polygon contains a segment.


  • Added length() method to calculate the length of a segment.
  • Added directionVector() method to calculate the direction vector of a segment.
  • Added distanceToPoint() method to calculate the minimum distance from a segment to a point.
  • Added projectPoint() method to project a point onto a segment.


  • Added roadWidth, roadRoundness, buildingWidth, buildingMinLength, spacing, and treeSize arguments to the World constructor.
  • Added #generateTrees() method to generate trees in the world.
  • Added #generateBuildings() method to generate buildings in the world.
  • Added trees and buildings arrays to store the trees and buildings in the world.
  • Updated the draw() method to draw the trees and buildings.


  • A new function hash was added to the js/math/graph file. This function converts a graph object into a unique string representation, which can be used to quickly check if two graphs are identical.
  • A new function dot was added to the js/math/utils file. This function computes the dot product of two points, which is used in various geometric calculations.
  • A new function normalize was added to the js/math/utils file. This function normalizes a vector to have a length of 1, which is useful for representing directions.
  • A new function magnitude was added to the js/math/utils file. This function computes the magnitude (length) of a vector.
  • A new function distanceToPoint was added to the js/primitives/polygon file. This function computes the minimum distance between a point and the polygon.
  • A new function distanceToPoly was added to the js/primitives/polygon file. This function computes the minimum distance between two polygons.
  • A new function intersectsPoly was added to the js/primitives/polygon file. This function checks if two polygons intersect.
  • A new function length was added to the js/primitives/segment file. This function computes the length of the segment.
  • A new function directionVector was added to the js/primitives/segment file. This function computes a unit vector that points in the direction of the segment.
  • A new function distanceToPoint was added to the js/primitives/segment file. This function computes the minimum distance between a point and the segment.
  • A new function projectPoint was added to the js/primitives/segment file. This function projects a point onto the segment, which is useful for finding the closest point on the segment to the given point.
  • The js/world file was significantly rewritten. A new constructor was added that takes several additional parameters, including the size of buildings, the minimum length of buildings, the spacing between objects, and the size of trees.
  • A new function #generateTrees was added to the js/world file. This function generates a random distribution of trees in the world, avoiding placing trees inside or too close to buildings or roads.
  • A new function #generateBuildings was added to the js/world file. This function generates a random distribution of buildings in the world, avoiding placing buildings inside or too close to each other or to roads.