Added GitHub workflows for automatic blog generation and a job to say hello.
Created a new HTML page with a canvas, controls, and JavaScript code for drawing graphs.
Implemented a Graph class with methods for adding and removing points and segments, and for drawing the graph.
Created Point and Segment classes with methods for drawing and checking for equality.
Added CSS styles for the body, h1, and canvas elements.
File wise changes made
Added a workflow that will automatically generate a blog post on push
Defined the workflow to use srajansohani/commit-blog-generator@v0.22 action
Provided the blog-domain and series-slug as parameters to the action
Added a workflow that will greet the user on push or pull request.
Defined the workflow to use actions/hello-world-javascript-action@e76147da8e5c81eaf017dede5645551d4b94427b action
Provided who-to-greet as a parameter to the action
Added a basic HTML structure for the World Editor
Included necessary CSS and JavaScript files
Created a canvas element for drawing
Created a Graph class to manage points and segments
Added methods to add, remove, and check for points and segments
Implemented drawing logic for the graph
Created a Point class to represent a point in 2D space
Added methods to check for equality and draw the point
Created a Segment class to represent a line segment between two points
Added methods to check for equality, inclusion, and draw the segment
Added a basic CSS stylesheet to style the page
Added a background color to the body and centered the text
Styled the h1 element with a white color and Arial font
Styled the canvas element with a specific background color
Added a new GitHub workflow .github/workflows/commit-blog-generator.yml that uses the srajansohani/commit-blog-generator action to automatically generate blog posts on push.
Added a new GitHub workflow .github/workflows/hello.yml that uses the actions/hello-world-javascript-action action to greet the user on push or pull request.
Created a new HTML file index.html that serves as a simple world editor with a canvas to draw points and segments.
Added a new JavaScript file js/math/graph.js that contains a class to represent a graph of points and segments.
Added a new JavaScript file js/primitives/point.js that contains a class to represent a point with methods for drawing and checking equality.
Added a new JavaScript file js/primitives/segment.js that contains a class to represent a segment between two points with methods for drawing and checking equality.
Added a new CSS file styles.css that contains styles for the world editor.