Added buildings and trees

Added buildings and trees


  • New function hash added to js/math/graph.js, which returns a JSON string representation of the graph.
  • New functions added to js/math/utils.js: dot, normalize, magnitude, and translate.
  • New functions added to js/primitives/polygon.js: distanceToPoint, distanceToPoly and intersectsPoly.
  • New functions added to js/primitives/segment.js: length, directionVector, distanceToPoint, and projectPoint.
  • New fields and methods added to js/world.js: buildingWidth, buildingMinLength, spacing, treeSize, #generateTrees, #generateBuildings, and draw.

File wise changes made


  • Old graph hash was being stored in oldGraphHash variable.
  • Now, when graph has changed, the world will be regenerated by calling world.generate() function.


  • Added hash() function to return a hash of the graph.


  • Added dot() function to calculate the dot product of two points.
  • Added normalize() function to normalize a point.
  • Added magnitude() function to calculate the magnitude of a point.


  • Added distanceToPoint() function to calculate the minimum distance from a point to the polygon.
  • Added distanceToPoly() function to calculate the minimum distance from a polygon to another polygon.
  • Added intersectsPoly() function to check if the polygon intersects with another polygon.


  • Added length() function to calculate the length of the segment.
  • Added directionVector() function to calculate the direction vector of the segment.
  • Added distanceToPoint() function to calculate the distance from a point to the segment.


  • Added constructor parameters for buildingWidth, buildingMinLength, spacing, and treeSize.
  • Added #generateBuildings() function to generate buildings.
  • Added #generateTrees() function to generate trees.
  • Modified draw() function to draw trees and buildings.


  • The index.html file was modified to add a check for changes in the graph hash and regenerate the world if the hash has changed.
  • The js/math/graph.js file was modified to add a hash() method that returns a JSON string representation of the graph.
  • The js/math/utils.js file was modified to add a dot() method that calculates the dot product of two points, a normalize() method that normalizes a point, a magnitude() method that calculates the magnitude of a point, and a translate() method that translates a point by a given angle and offset.
  • The js/primitives/polygon.js file was modified to add methods for calculating the distance to a point, the distance to another polygon, and to check if it intersects with another polygon.
  • The js/primitives/segment.js file was modified to add methods for calculating the length, the direction vector, the distance to a point, and to project a point onto the segment.
  • The js/world.js file was modified to add new parameters to the constructor for building width, building minimum length, spacing, and tree size. It also adds methods for generating buildings and trees. The draw() method was modified to draw the trees and buildings.