New world editor in HTML and JavaScript

New world editor in HTML and JavaScript


  • Setup a Github action to automatically generate blog posts on Srajan12's Hashnode blog.
  • Created an action that says hello to Srajan and outputs the current time.
  • Created a world editor HTML page with an empty canvas and JavaScript to create a simple graph of points and segments.
  • Refactored JavaScript code into classes, including Graph, Point, and Segment to improve modularity.
  • Added CSS to style the world editor page.

File wise changes made


  • Added a GitHub workflow for automatically generating blog posts from commit messages.
  • The workflow uses the srajansohani/commit-blog-generator action to generate the blog posts.
  • The blog posts are published to the blog.


  • Added a GitHub workflow for running a job that says hello to a specified user.
  • The workflow uses the actions/hello-world-javascript-action action to say hello.
  • The job can be triggered by a push or pull request event.


  • Added a new HTML file that serves as the main page of the World Editor application.
  • The file includes the necessary JavaScript and CSS files for the application to run.


  • Added a new JavaScript class named Graph.
  • The Graph class represents a mathematical graph consisting of points and segments.
  • The class provides methods for adding and removing points and segments, as well as for drawing the graph.


  • Added a new JavaScript class named Point.
  • The Point class represents a mathematical point with x and y coordinates.
  • The class provides methods for comparing points and for drawing them on a canvas.


  • Added a new JavaScript class named Segment.
  • The Segment class represents a mathematical segment between two points.
  • The class provides methods for comparing segments and for drawing them on a canvas.


  • Added a new CSS file that contains styles for the World Editor application.
  • The stylesheet defines the background color and text alignment for the body element, the color and font family for the h1 element, and the background color for the canvas element.


  • Two new files (.github/workflows/commit-blog-generator.yml and .github/workflows/hello.yml) were added.
  • A new HTML file (index.html) was created. It includes everything needed to create a world editor.
  • Three new JavaScript files (js/math/graph.js, js/primitives/point.js, and js/primitives/segment.js) were added. They contain classes used to create and manipulate points, segments, and graphs.
  • A new CSS file (styles.css) was created. It styles the world editor, making it visually appealing.